Caleb Lack, PhD
Professor of Psychology and the Counseling Psychology MA program coordinator at the University of Central Oklahoma
[email protected]
Caleb W. Lack, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology and the Counseling Psychology MA program coordinator at the University of Central Oklahoma.
A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Lack specializes in the treatment of children and adults with anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, such as chronic tics, Tourette’s Syndrome, trichotillomania, and excoriation. He is regularly consulted for and interviewed by national, and international media outlets, including the New York Times, The Atlantic, and more.
Dr. Lack is also a best-selling author or editor of eight books on topics from OCD to critical thinking and pseudoscience to racism and sexism in early psychology. He has authored more than 65 scientific publications relating to the assessment and treatment of psychological problems such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, pediatric mood disorders, and post-traumatic stress.
An internationally sought-after clinical trainer and consultant, Dr. Lack has conducted workshops for clinicians across North and South America, Europe, and east Asia. He is faculty for both the International OCD Foundation’s Training Institute and the Asociación Lationamericana de TOC’s Entrenamiento Intensivo para el Tratamiento.