Though Tourette’s is commonly thought of for its tics, there are many other co-occurring challenges owing to its unique neurology (Cravedi et al, 2017). This course will instruct clinicians in identification and assessment of common co-occurring challenges and application of this knowledge to the treatment of patients with Tourette’s. Particular focus will be given to the phenomenon of intense emotionality in individuals with Tourette’s (Sukhodolsky, Scahill, Zhang, Peterson, & King, 2003; Sukhodolsky, Vitulano, Carroll, McGuire, Leckman, & Scahill, 2009; Leclerc, O’Connor, Forget, & Lavoie, 2011; Conte, Valente, Fioriello & Cardona, 2020). Techniques discussed will involve integration of competing response training with acceptance-oriented techniques to improve ability of patients to adhere to and complete treatment protocols (Lavoie, Leclerc, & O’Connor, 2013; Franklin, Best, Wilson, Loew, & Compton, 2011; Peterson et al., 2016).
Course created: January 2025